"It is important that you pay off." This point has
been ingrained in every one of us ever since childhood, however only a small
number of people practically work on it. There are literally thousands of
charitable organizations trying to change things.
The "feel good" experience after making a
contribution is a feeling to treasure which makes donations for a reason so
important. Donation to groups helping elderly trapped in poverty or supporting for
some other cause creates social awareness.
Prior to making a decision on making a charitable donation,
one must be aware of the organizational details and their activities to make
the donation of some use.
Although the main motivation to donate to aid organization
is humanity, also enormous tax benefits exist for the contributors.
In relation to a study, making a contribution to charity is excellent
for the brain. A group of economists as well as psychologists at the University
of Oregon have found that providing cash for charity stimulates the regions in
the brain connected with contentment.
The return result after offering money is very deep and the experience
of happily offering causes a warm glow of contentment which has shown better
health benefits. The study supports the initiative of "pure selflessness"
however another cause for donation is that survival of a group helps single
cause. Now and then, donation finances development projects in developing nations.
A cause which is gaining a lot of popularity these days is donating
for the support for elderly. Such
donations are helpful in their medical care, shelter; mental security and all this
assure psychological and bodily betterment of such people.
A number of people make a contribution to charity because of
their special concern for a particular cause, in the end leaving them with a "feel
good" experience. Several people also contribute to honor and treasure the
memory of a loved one who has died.
But, the actual reason why making a contribution to charity
is important, is the true longing to help the less privileged by providing them
with financial support which would eventually make them self-reliant citizens.
Support a gran is a platform for donors like you to get in
touch with many homeless elderly. By
donating, you can help elderly by adding happiness
and importance to their lives. It’s a remarkable initiative by help age India to
support and sponsor grandparents.
So, help poor elderly
through your small contribution. For more details visit http://www.supportagran.org/